Posts Tagged ‘NoStress’

“The dog that trots about finds a bone.” – Golda Meir This is a little bit funny, but oh so right on the mark.  If you don’t trot about, you will for sure find no bones.  Bones don’t come to you…so keep auditioning, keep sending out that resume, go to networking parties, and just keep

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She is beloved. And for more than her dancing. She makes us think outside the box, and then makes us laugh about it.  And gets Usher to tell us just why he puts his leg up like that when he sits in chair.  “Is there just not enough room in that chair for you?” asks Ellen.

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I absolutely adore today’s quote, and find it so empowering.  See if it speaks to you as well: “The weeds keep multiplying in our garden, which is our mind ruled by fear. Rip them out and call them by name.” –Sylvia Browne 94.7 The WAVE